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Handball - Women's World Junior Handball Championship - 2024 - Home

Choice of a season :

North Macedonia
  • Algeria U-20
  • Angola U-20
  • Argentina U-20
  • Brazil U-20
  • Chile U-20
  • China U-20
  • Czech Republic U-20
  • Denmark U-20
  • Egypt U-20
  • France U-20
  • Germany U-20
  • Guinea U-20
  • Hungary U-20
  • Iceland U-20
  • Iran U-20
  • Japan U-20
  • Mexico U-20
  • Montenegro U-20
  • Netherlands U-20
  • North Macedonia U-20
  • Norway U-20
  • Portugal U-20
  • Republic of Korea U-20
  • Romania U-20
  • Serbia U-20
  • Spain U-20
  • Sweden U-20
  • Switzerland U-20
  • Taiwan U-20
  • Tunisia U-20
  • United States U-20
  • Uzbekistan U-20


Women's World Junior Handball Championship 2024 - Home

North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia - 19 June 2024 - 30 June 2024

WinnerFrance U-20 : France U-20

Group A (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Netherlands U-20633009556+39
2Romania U-20432018569+16
3Brazil U-20231027480-6
4Iran U-20030034897-49

Last matches

19 June 2024
11h15Romania U-20Romania U-2026 - 25Brazil U-20Brazil U-20
13h30Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2034 - 11Iran U-20Iran U-20
20 June 2024
15h45Romania U-20Romania U-2033 - 15Iran U-20Iran U-20
18h00Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2032 - 19Brazil U-20Brazil U-20
22 June 2024
13h30Brazil U-20Brazil U-2030 - 22Iran U-20Iran U-20
15h45Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2029 - 26Romania U-20Romania U-20

Detail of the results

Group B (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Switzerland U-206330011259+53
2Egypt U-20432017371+2
3Tunisia U-20231029687+9
4Chile U-200300355119-64

Last matches

19 June 2024
10h00Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-2034 - 26Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-20
13h00Egypt U-20Egypt U-2026 - 16Chile U-20Chile U-20
20 June 2024
11h15Egypt U-20Egypt U-2025 - 24Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-20
11h15Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-2047 - 11Chile U-20Chile U-20
22 June 2024
09h00Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-2031 - 22Egypt U-20Egypt U-20
13h00Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-2046 - 28Chile U-20Chile U-20

Detail of the results

Group C (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Hungary U-206330012548+77
2Republic of Korea U-204320183830
3Argentina U-20231029388+5
4Mexico U-200300346128-82

Last matches

19 June 2024
09h00Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-2033 - 20Mexico U-20Mexico U-20
09h00Hungary U-20Hungary U-2039 - 21Argentina U-20Argentina U-20
20 June 2024
13h30Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-2033 - 31Argentina U-20Argentina U-20
13h30Hungary U-20Hungary U-2054 - 10Mexico U-20Mexico U-20
22 June 2024
11h15Argentina U-20Argentina U-2041 - 16Mexico U-20Mexico U-20
13h30Hungary U-20Hungary U-2032 - 17Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-20

Detail of the results

Group D (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Denmark U-206330011769+48
2Norway U-20432019575+20
3Japan U-20231029298-6
4Taiwan U-200300357119-62

Last matches

19 June 2024
15h45Denmark U-20Denmark U-2043 - 25Japan U-20Japan U-20
18h00Norway U-20Norway U-2035 - 18Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-20
20 June 2024
15h45Denmark U-20Denmark U-2041 - 19Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-20
18h00Norway U-20Norway U-2035 - 24Japan U-20Japan U-20
22 June 2024
09h00Japan U-20Japan U-2043 - 20Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-20
15h45Denmark U-20Denmark U-2033 - 25Norway U-20Norway U-20

Detail of the results

Group E (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Sweden U-206330010461+43
2China U-20432018473+11
3Czech Republic U-20231027372+1
4Algeria U-20030033994-55

Last matches

19 June 2024
13h30Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-2023 - 17Algeria U-20Algeria U-20
15h45Sweden U-20Sweden U-2038 - 24China U-20China U-20
21 June 2024
13h30Sweden U-20Sweden U-2038 - 13Algeria U-20Algeria U-20
15h45China U-20China U-2027 - 26Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-20
22 June 2024
16h00China U-20China U-2033 - 9Algeria U-20Algeria U-20
18h00Sweden U-20Sweden U-2028 - 24Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-20

Detail of the results

Group F (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1France U-20633008971+18
2Germany U-20432019574+21
3Spain U-20231028476+8
4Serbia U-200300354101-47

Last matches

19 June 2024
18h00Germany U-20Germany U-2039 - 18Serbia U-20Serbia U-20
20h15France U-20France U-2030 - 25Spain U-20Spain U-20
21 June 2024
15h45France U-20France U-2030 - 19Serbia U-20Serbia U-20
18h00Germany U-20Germany U-2029 - 27Spain U-20Spain U-20
22 June 2024
18h00Spain U-20Spain U-2032 - 17Serbia U-20Serbia U-20
20h15France U-20France U-2029 - 27Germany U-20Germany U-20

Detail of the results

Group G (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Portugal U-206330011074+36
2Montenegro U-204320112296+26
3Guinea U-202310278103-25
4Uzbekistan U-200300385122-37

Last matches

19 June 2024
11h15Portugal U-20Portugal U-2032 - 18Guinea U-20Guinea U-20
19h00Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-2048 - 32Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20
21 June 2024
11h15Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-2043 - 30Guinea U-20Guinea U-20
13h30Portugal U-20Portugal U-2044 - 25Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20
22 June 2024
10h00Guinea U-20Guinea U-2030 - 28Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20
11h15Portugal U-20Portugal U-2034 - 31Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-20

Detail of the results

Group H (North Macedonia - 19/06/2024 - 22/06/2024)


1Iceland U-20633008956+33
2North Macedonia U-20432017768+9
3Angola U-20231026760+7
4United States U-20030034392-49

Last matches

19 June 2024
16h00Iceland U-20Iceland U-2024 - 19Angola U-20Angola U-20
20h15North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-2032 - 15United States U-20United States U-20
21 June 2024
11h15Angola U-20Angola U-2024 - 8United States U-20United States U-20
18h00Iceland U-20Iceland U-2029 - 17North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-20
22 June 2024
19h00Iceland U-20Iceland U-2036 - 20United States U-20United States U-20
20h15North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-2028 - 24Angola U-20Angola U-20

Detail of the results

2nd Round - Group 1 (North Macedonia - Skopje - 23/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Netherlands U-20633008072+8
2Switzerland U-20432018779+8
3Romania U-20231028479+5
4Egypt U-20030036283-21

Last matches

23 June 2024
16h15Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2020 - 17Egypt U-20Egypt U-20
18h30Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-2027 - 26Romania U-20Romania U-20
25 June 2024
13h30Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2031 - 29Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-20
15h45Romania U-20Romania U-2032 - 23Egypt U-20Egypt U-20

Detail of the results

2nd Round - Group 2 (North Macedonia - Skopje - 23/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Hungary U-20633009466+28
2Denmark U-20432018579+6
3Norway U-20231028486-2
4Republic of Korea U-20030036294-32

Last matches

23 June 2024
16h15Hungary U-20Hungary U-2031 - 26Norway U-20Norway U-20
18h30Denmark U-20Denmark U-2029 - 23Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-20
25 June 2024
13h30Hungary U-20Hungary U-2031 - 23Denmark U-20Denmark U-20
15h45Norway U-20Norway U-2033 - 22Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-20

Detail of the results

2nd Round - Group 3 (North Macedonia - Skopje - 24/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1France U-20633009964+35
2Sweden U-20432018677+9
3Germany U-20231029080+10
4China U-200300364118-54

Last matches

24 June 2024
16h15Sweden U-20Sweden U-2026 - 25Germany U-20Germany U-20
18h30France U-20France U-2042 - 15China U-20China U-20
25 June 2024
18h00France U-20France U-2028 - 22Sweden U-20Sweden U-20
20h15Germany U-20Germany U-2038 - 25China U-20China U-20

Detail of the results

2nd Round - Group 4 (North Macedonia - Skopje - 24/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Portugal U-20532108884+4
2Iceland U-20432018970+19
3Montenegro U-20231028492-8
4North Macedonia U-20130126883-15

Last matches

24 June 2024
16h15Portugal U-20Portugal U-2028 - 28North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-20
18h30Iceland U-20Iceland U-2035 - 27Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-20
25 June 2024
18h00Portugal U-20Portugal U-2026 - 25Iceland U-20Iceland U-20
20h15Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-2026 - 23North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-20

Detail of the results

Presidents Cup - Group I (North Macedonia - Skopje - 23/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Brazil U-20633008360+23
2Tunisia U-20432019677+19
3Iran U-20231027281-9
4Chile U-200300367100-33

Last matches

23 June 2024
11h45Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-2026 - 23Iran U-20Iran U-20
14h00Brazil U-20Brazil U-2027 - 14Chile U-20Chile U-20
25 June 2024
09h00Iran U-20Iran U-2027 - 25Chile U-20Chile U-20
11h15Brazil U-20Brazil U-2026 - 24Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-20

Detail of the results

Presidents Cup - Group II (North Macedonia - Skopje - 23/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Japan U-206330012565+60
2Argentina U-204320110176+25
3Taiwan U-20231028986+3
4Mexico U-200300344132-88

Last matches

23 June 2024
11h45Argentina U-20Argentina U-2027 - 25Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-20
14h00Japan U-20Japan U-2047 - 12Mexico U-20Mexico U-20
25 June 2024
09h00Japan U-20Japan U-2035 - 33Argentina U-20Argentina U-20
16h00Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-2044 - 16Mexico U-20Mexico U-20

Detail of the results

Presidents Cup - Group III (North Macedonia - Skopje - 24/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Spain U-205321010560+45
2Serbia U-20432017374-1
3Czech Republic U-20331117875+3
4Algeria U-20030034794-47

Last matches

24 June 2024
11h45Serbia U-20Serbia U-2029 - 26Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-20
14h00Spain U-20Spain U-2044 - 14Algeria U-20Algeria U-20
25 June 2024
11h15Spain U-20Spain U-2029 - 29Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-20
19h00Serbia U-20Serbia U-2027 - 16Algeria U-20Algeria U-20

Detail of the results

Presidents Cup - Group IV (North Macedonia - Skopje - 24/06/2024 - 25/06/2024)


1Angola U-20633009048+42
2Guinea U-20432017466+8
3Uzbekistan U-20231028898-10
4United States U-20030034888-40

Last matches

24 June 2024
11h45Guinea U-20Guinea U-2022 - 15United States U-20United States U-20
14h00Angola U-20Angola U-2043 - 18Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20
25 June 2024
10h00Angola U-20Angola U-2023 - 22Guinea U-20Guinea U-20
13h00Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-2042 - 25United States U-20United States U-20

Detail of the results

Final Round (North Macedonia - Skopje - 27/06/2024 - 30/06/2024)

Places 21-24
27 June 2024
09h00Argentina U-20Argentina U-2031 - 26Guinea U-20Guinea U-20
14h30Serbia U-20Serbia U-2027 - 26Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-20

Place 23
28 June 2024
10h30Guinea U-20Guinea U-2022 - 21Tunisia U-20Tunisia U-20

Place 21
28 June 2024
11h15Argentina U-20Argentina U-2027 - 26Serbia U-20Serbia U-20

Places 17-20
27 June 2024
09h30Angola U-20Angola U-2030 - 27Japan U-20Japan U-20
10h30Spain U-20Spain U-2033 - 20Brazil U-20Brazil U-20

Place 19
28 June 2024
09h00Brazil U-20Brazil U-2038 - 32Japan U-20Japan U-20

Place 17
28 June 2024
10h30Spain U-20Spain U-2024 - 18Angola U-20Angola U-20

Place 15
28 June 2024
15h30China U-20China U-2025 - 23North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-20

Place 13
28 June 2024
13h15Egypt U-20Egypt U-2029 - 23Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-20

Place 11
28 June 2024
15h45Romania U-20Romania U-2042 - 28Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-20

Place 9
28 June 2024
13h30Germany U-20Germany U-2028 - 18Norway U-20Norway U-20

Place 7
30 June 2024
10h00Iceland U-20Iceland U-2029 - 26Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-20

Place 5
30 June 2024
12h15Portugal U-20Portugal U-2026 - 25Sweden U-20Sweden U-20

27 June 2024
18h00Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2025 - 21Sweden U-20Sweden U-20
18h15Hungary U-20Hungary U-2034 - 31 ot (19-12, 10-17, 5-2)Iceland U-20Iceland U-20
20h30France U-20France U-2034 - 25Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-20
20h45Denmark U-20Denmark U-2049 - 22Portugal U-20Portugal U-20

Places 13-16
27 June 2024
13h30Egypt U-20Egypt U-2025 - 20China U-20China U-20
15h45Republic of Korea U-20Republic of Korea U-2034 - 19North Macedonia U-20North Macedonia U-20

Places 9-12
27 June 2024
13h15Germany U-20Germany U-2034 - 32Romania U-20Romania U-20
15h30Norway U-20Norway U-2042 - 27Montenegro U-20Montenegro U-20

Places 5-8
28 June 2024
18h00Sweden U-20Sweden U-2033 - 31Iceland U-20Iceland U-20
20h15Portugal U-20Portugal U-2030 - 25Switzerland U-20Switzerland U-20

28 June 2024
18h00Hungary U-20Hungary U-2028 - 24Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-20
20h30France U-20France U-2032 - 26Denmark U-20Denmark U-20

30 June 2024
17h30France U-20France U-2029 - 26Hungary U-20Hungary U-20

Places 25-28
27 June 2024
11h15Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-2029 - 17Iran U-20Iran U-20
19h40Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-2039 - 32Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20

Places 29-32
27 June 2024
12h00United States U-20United States U-2025 - 21Mexico U-20Mexico U-20
17h00Chile U-20Chile U-2034 - 33 ot (12-16, 13-9, 9-8)Algeria U-20Algeria U-20

Place 31
28 June 2024
13h00Algeria U-20Algeria U-2024 - 23 ot (9-11, 10-8, 5-4)Mexico U-20Mexico U-20

Place 29
28 June 2024
15h30Chile U-20Chile U-2033 - 26United States U-20United States U-20

Place 27
28 June 2024
20h30Iran U-20Iran U-2040 - 31Uzbekistan U-20Uzbekistan U-20

Third Place Match
30 June 2024
14h45Netherlands U-20Netherlands U-2034 - 28Denmark U-20Denmark U-20

Place 25
28 June 2024
18h00Czech Republic U-20Czech Republic U-2036 - 15Taiwan U-20Taiwan U-20

Detail of the results


  • General statistics
    • Number of events : 17
    • Number of rounds : 41
    • Matches : 116
    • Home victories : 114 (98 %)
    • Away victories : 0 (0 %)
    • Drawn matches : 2 (2 %)
    • Best round in points : 1st (4466 points)
    • Average points per match : 55.03
    • Average points scored at home : 32.5
    • Scoring average: away games : 22.53
    • Total number of points : 6384
    • Average points per round : 155.71
  • Various statistics

    1France U-208
    2Hungary U-207
    3Netherlands U-207
    4Portugal U-206
    5Denmark U-205
    6Germany U-205
    Drawn matches
    1Czech Republic U-201
    2North Macedonia U-201
    3Portugal U-201
    4Spain U-201
    5Algeria U-200
    6Angola U-200
    1Mexico U-207
    2Algeria U-206
    3United States U-206
    4Uzbekistan U-206
    5Chile U-205
    6Iran U-205

Detailed results




Prize list


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